![]() Conscious businesses are built on intentional leadership—and one of the most powerful (and often overlooked) skills is deep listening. Real listening isn’t just waiting for your turn to talk. It’s tuning in beyond the words, picking up on what’s not being said, and responding with awareness. Let’s say a leader notices a normally reliable team member seems off. Instead of assuming or brushing it aside, they check in. Through a real conversation, they learn the employee is dealing with a personal health issue and struggling to keep up. Because the leader listened—really listened—they can adjust the workflow, rally support, and keep the project on track before things spiral. Want to build this into your leadership training? Try this: 🔹 Ask yourself, “What did you hear?” 🔹 Then go further, “What wasn’t said?” Deep listening saves time, energy, and resources while strengthening trust. It’s a game-changer. Are you ready to level up your lsitening skills and leadership presence? Let’s connect. Contact #ImprovMindset #ListenwithoutAgenda #Leadership #DeepListening
![]() The past two years have created a lot of isolation and distance. It has also brought many people together, in ways that would have been previously unimaginable. My last workshop for a client had participants in Singapore, London, Johannesburg, Mexico City and all over the United States. I've adjusted to waking up at all different hours to accommodate all different time zones. As much as we have been at home, adjusting to virtual work and figuring out how to look good on Zoom while in sweat pants and slippers, we've had the opportunity to connect with people in places all over the world. I can now count these people as friends. I get to hear how their lives and situations have been in upheaval due to COVID, and they get to hear about what is happening here in the US. They have expanded my understanding and knowledge of our connected human experience in ways I would have never imagined. We share stories of our lives, families, joys, sorrows and recipes. We have all lost something in our lives from this pandemic. Let's also look at what we have gained: a global understanding, an international reach, and new friends. For this, I am grateful. Happy New Year everyone. I hope to see you all face-to-face soon. ![]() I just came back from my first in person workshop since February 2020. I had no idea what to expect in this new world: would people be shell shocked from being isolated, would they be closed off and protective, would they be willing to open up and be available? Within the first few minutes of the workshop I realized something magical was happening. Everyone was craving the personal attention. They needed social interaction. They missed the company of people. The camaraderie. The friendship, The companionship. As we begin the slow crawl out of covid hibernation, what does your team/ company need? How essential is the need to connect, to share, to collaborate? I was not sure where people would be, or how they would react. I was amazed and overjoyed to see the desire and exuberance that this group had to be connected and see each other. Let’s embrace what we have gone thru. Let’s celebrate. And let’s gather. Safely. And let’s learn what communication is like in this new pandemic world. ![]() You might have heard of OMG or ROFL. Well, here’s a new acronym to help with your communications at work: LARO What does it stand for? Listen, Acknowledge, Reflect and Offer. When you are in a work meeting, and people are blocking the forward motion of the conversation by saying ‘yes, but that will not work because of…’ or ‘we don’t have the resources for that…’ or ‘that’s a bad idea…’, they have lapsed into CRITICALthinking rather than staying in DIVERGENT thinking. CRITICAL thinking is about evaluating, DIVERGENT thinking is about problem solving and solutions. There is a time and place for both methods, however, shutting down creative problem solving at each turn is not a useful strategy. Try LARO to keep the conversation moving forward: - LISTEN to the objections that people are bringing up. - ACKNOWLEDGE they are bringing up a valid point. Critical thinking is necessary for strategic planning. - REFLECT back what you hear. This allows the person to know that you heard them, and understand what they are saying and feeling. - OFFER alternatives to move them into the possibility of problem solving. Use sentences like:
![]() A key lesson I learned in Improv was “make your scene partner look good.“ Sometimes that’s a hard lesson to learn, or to understand fully. Many organizations I have worked for had a Superman philosophy: "Without me, this whole place would collapse!" That idea doesn't allow space to make the rest of your team shine - instead it charges ahead with a 'take no prisoners' attitude. Understanding that it is generally not about you is an opportunity for growth. In a sustainable team culture, everyone focuses on:
These items are bigger than the individual. As a team member, you are a part of the larger machine. You have a role to play. You need to bring everything you can to the table, and accept and build on the things that other people bring to the table. Together you can build something bigger than any one individual can create on their own. You can build brilliance. Isn’t that the lesson you want your entire company to embrace? Email Andrew or more information on workshops and presentations. Thanks to Bruce Scheer - I have a podcast episode on iTunes right now!
Are you harnessing the power of Improv in your selling conversations? What??? In this episode of The Sales Conversation Podcast Andrew McMasters and I talk about the power of Improv in improving buyer and seller interactions. Specifically, Andrew highlights how to be a better listener, how to accept what the customer is offering, and then how to build upon their offerings. He then talks about how to bring your full self to a selling conversation. Key Takeaways: 🤜 Listen: Listen before you solve! Listen for connection. Listen to build relationships. Listen for understanding. Listen for context. Let the other person know they’ve been heard! 🤜 Yes, and...: The second someone hears “but,” they negate everything said before it. Using the word “and” can help keep the energy of the conversation moving forward. 🤜 Everything is an Offer: Whatever someone offers you, even an objection, is an offering. How do you accept it and work with it? Check out the episode "How to harness the power of improv in your selling conversations with Andrew McMasters” at 🎙The Sales Conversation Podcast Check out the episode "How to harness the power of improv in your selling conversations with Andrew McMasters at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-sales-conversation-podcast/id1435033739 ![]() There was a recent scientific study on happiness: small amounts of money were given to people to spend on themselves, or to give to others. Researchers then tested the participants to discover the amount of happiness received from giving to others. The study was published in Nature Communications. Researchers from the University of Zurich in Switzerland told 50 people they’d be receiving about $100 over a few weeks. Half of the people were asked to commit to spending that money on themselves, and half were asked to spend it on someone they knew. The researchers wanted to see whether simply pledging to being generous was enough to make people happier. Before handing out any money, they brought everyone into the lab and asked them to think about a friend they’d like to give a gift to or how much they would spend on themselves. They then performed functional MRI scans to measure activity in three regions of the brain associated with social behavior, generosity, happiness and decision-making. Their choices—and their brain activity—seemed to depend on how they had pledged to spend the money earlier. Those who had agreed to spend money on other people tended to make more generous decisions throughout the experiment, compared to those who had agreed to spend the money on themselves. Those people who chose to give the money to others also had more interaction between the parts of the brain associated with altruism and happiness, and they reported higher levels of happiness after the experiment was over. The researchers concluded that “actually helping others and being generous to them increases happiness…” One of the main rules I teach in Improv is that it is not about an internal focus. The lesson is: if I am making my partner look good, and I am focusing on serving them, then I am doing my job. And I know they are doing the same thing for me. When I am on stage and I say something that makes the audience laugh, I know it is not about me being brilliant. My fellow actors set me up so I could say that specific line which made the audience respond. It’s not about me, it’s about the group. This takes of the focus off of ‘what do I say next?’ and places it more on ‘how do I serve the other people on stage?’ Think about your office. When was the last time you saw someone make the choice to set someone else up for success, and not be concerned about getting the credit for themselves? When has your team focused on serving each other, and the mission of the company, rather than personal achievement? It’s a fact: thinking outside of yourself / focusing on others can make your team more productive, happier and more effective. By adopting a group focus rather than an individual focus, and using ‘yes and’ as a rule, you can create a better work environment for your staff, and a better world for your clients. For more information on workshops - email Andrew today! ![]() When I do workshops all over the country, I am always encountering the same question: “My kid wants to go into theater… what do I do?!?!?!” The look of fear and concern from the parent is evident. I usually have to unpack the discussion to find out what exactly is their concern about a degree in the arts? Always, the answer is: “They will never make enough money to survive….” This has led me to talk openly about what I have learned from my training in theater. I learned:
In short, I learned sales, fiscal responsibility, leadership, management and presentation skills. Theater training is leadership training. Taking the talents of others and directing them into a cohesive project, which is inclusive of all of their abilities, is a skill that only a true leader can accomplish. Listening, responding, and motivating others to work towards a goal larger than their own individual part is the essence of leadership. Creating theater is the essence of leadership. So, when a concerned parent asks me that question, I always say “Let them.” The truth is, your child will learn more about themselves (authenticity) and more about others (emotional intelligence) then they will in any MBA program. They will learn how to tell a story, motivate a team, and use whatever resources they have to make a vision come true. Theater is the skill we all need and use everyday. And if you don’t have it, find an actor to teach you. Find out what theater training can do for your team - email Andrew today! ![]() Whenever I meet with a client about incorporating Improv into their training programs, I hear the same refrain: "So, do I have to stand up and say something funny?" I've even had clients who thought that the workshop would entail wearing funny wigs or hats, and everyone being forced to do 'skits.' I understand why people are asking me that question - clients have told me they have had Improv workshops where the instructor made them make animal sounds and toss imaginary balls at each other. All of these descriptions make me CRINGE. As a professional actor, I have been forced to do many exercises like this before. As a leadership facilitator, I would NEVER make my clients do something like this. Exercises like that are embarrassing, and do not achieve measurable results (unless I am measuring what I never want to do again). To help clarify a few things, I have compiled a few Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to clear the air: Q: Is an ImprovMindset workshop embarrassing? A: NO! We spend at least 30 minutes creating a safe space to allow everyone to feel comfortable with being on their feet and working this manner. We adjust as needed to the group's energy to ensure that everyone can participate fully and equally. Q: Will I have to stand up in front of people and make jokes? A: NO! The core tenet of Improv is about making the others around you look good. The goal is to make your scene partner look good. We call this an external focus. Participants can relax knowing that the everyone has each other's backs. It is not about being the spotlight, it is about serving others. Q: Will it be relevant to my work? A: YES! Each of the lessons cover everyday tools to help you and your team be more productive, efficient and clear with your communication. It also helps your team be agile, and adapt to new ideas and innovate. An ImprovMindset is a shift in thinking that allows teams to move forward, fail fast and learn, and drive new ideas to completion. If you have any questions you want answered about Improv for Business, just drop me a note! I'll be glad to schedule a call. ![]() From Wikipedia: Design thinking refers to creative strategies designers utilize during the process of designing. Design Thinking seems to be on everyone's minds these days. A simple search will reveal multiple online sources for college classes, documents and white papers all discussing the ideas and methods of Design Thinking. What is it really? It is a group of people all building on ideas. "Unlike analytical thinking, design thinking includes "building up" ideas, with few, or no, limits on breadth during a "brainstorming" phase. This helps reduce fear of failure in the participant(s) and encourages input and participation from a wide variety of sources in the ideation phases." It is a practice of 'yes, and'. Improv provides the structure to allow Design Thinking to work. It is the basis of Design Thinking in the ideation phase; How do we continue to move the conversation forward and upward, without having a 'no' or a 'yes, but' blocking the progress? It is the base toolset. And as this article in Fast Company magazine says, Improv Comedians make the best Design thinkers. So give your organization a good dose of Design Thinking in a fun and engaging way that they will remember and utilize. Give your company an ImprovMindset. |
February 2025